Set up default values for email personalisation in HubSpot

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tools > Marketing > Email
  2. In the Configuration tab, click on the Personalisation tab
  3. Contact property defaults: Click Edit defaults
  4. Search for 'first name' - this is one of the main contact properties you will want to set a default value for: 
  5. Click on First name and set the default to 'there': 
  6. The reason we recommend this is so that in emails you can use personalisation like so.

    If First name is known:
    Hi <First name>, 

    If First name is unknown:
    Hi there,
  7. Company property defaults: Click Edit defaults
  8.  Search for 'Company name' - this is one of the main Company properties you will want to set a default value for: 
  9. We set the default to 'your company' because it may be used in the middle of a sentence.

    If Company name is known:
    We are looking forward to working with <Company name>. 

    If Company name is unknown:
    We are looking forward to working with your company.