Running monthly solar digital marketing management meetings

Host solar digital marketing management meetings at least once per month to keep on top of goals and priorities

Set up monthly meetings:

  1. Use Google Calendar  - (or any other calendar tool used in your solar business) to schedule a recurring monthly meeting with yourself, and any other key people to discuss solar digital marketing for your business.
  2. Link to a Google Doc - or other form of project management platform from the calendar invite.
  3. Set the agenda - add items you want to cover including results from the previous month, ideas to test, general business overview (how things are doing), plus any blockers that are in the way of getting digital marketing tasks done.
  4. Add a section for insights - use this section during the meeting to note any interesting ideas, problems, insights that may be important later.
  5. Add a section for action items - use this section during the meeting to note any action items. Be sure to be specific by assigning the action items to one person, and describing what needs to be done. i.e. XEN Solar: kick off first campaign on Facebook ads next Monday.

After the monthly meeting:

  1. Create tasks from action items - using your project management tool, create tasks from the action items noted in the meeting. Tasks should have a due date, priority, estimated time and a process where possible.
  2. Work on action items before the next monthly meeting - Ensure the action items are carried out and report back on them in the next monthly meeting or via email before the monthly meeting.