Lesson 11a: Regular Forms

Process of Creating a Regular Form in HubSpot

Creating a Regular Form:

1. Selecting Form Type:

Start by choosing the 'Embedded form' type.  You can create and embed the form as part of your website.


2. Form Setup:

After selecting the embedded form, click proceed to name your form and add form fields. HubSpot provides a range of default contact properties, and you can customise your form by adding additional fields to collect specific information from visitors.

Customising Form Fields:

Drag and drop form fields from the sidebar onto the form builder canvas to customise your form. Use the search function to quickly find specific form fields, such as first name, last name, email, phone number, company name, or any other custom properties you require.

  1. Options Tab:

    Customise the form submission options, including what visitors see after submitting the form. You can display a thank you message or redirect them to a specific page, such as a thank you page or a download page for an e-book.

  2. Notification Settings: Specify who should be notified when a form is submitted. You can select team members to receive notifications and tie the form submission to a specific campaign for tracking and reporting purposes.

  3. Submission Settings: Choose the appropriate option for handling form submissions. HubSpot can automatically detect if a contact has previously submitted a form and pre-populate known values, ensuring a seamless experience for visitors.

  4. Automation Tab: Optionally, you can set up automation workflows triggered by form submissions. For example, you can create a workflow to send a thank you email to contacts who submit the form.

By following these steps, you can create and customise regular forms in HubSpot to collect visitor information effectively and engage with your audience. Whether embedding forms on your website or setting up pop-up forms for specific campaigns, HubSpot's form builder provides versatile tools to enhance your lead generation efforts and streamline your marketing automation workflows.